Singapore: Building Code
Singapore’s mandatory code for residential and non-residential buildings applies to all new building works, which include a gross floor area of at least 2,000 m2. Energy performance criteria are addressed by the level of environmental performance outlined according to a points based system, which will allow a project to decide which efficiency initiatives should be included in order to meet the 50 point minimum requirement. The code does include some mandatory prescriptive elements for both building types, including thermal envelope performance, HVAC efficiency, lighting, air-tightness and sub-metering.
The Code was implemented in 2008 and largely adopted the voluntary 2005 Green Mark criteria, which was released to drive Singapore’s buildings to be more environmentally friendly. The Green Mark points system encompasses a number of dynamic suggestions to improve overall environmental performance of buildings including, indoor air-quality and comfort, renewable energy, water efficiency, waste reduction, public transport accessibility, levels beyond minimum standard and environmental management practice.
General information
Remit Code
Residential buildings
- One family
Multiple family buildings
- Slightly different requirements for buildings with a mixed use.
- Other buildings
Commercial buildings
- Offices
- Retail and wholesale
- Hotels
- Hospitals
- Educational buildings
Other buildings
- Green Mark Platinum award is the highest award under the BCA Green Mark Scheme. A typical Platinum will need to score at least 90 points and they will be at least 43% more efficient as compared to 2005 standard.
- Industrial buildings
- Large Cities
- All urban buildings
- Rural buildings
GBPN Climate Classification
- Cooling Based
- Heating Based
- Warm and Humid
- Mixed
Type of Building Code
Type of Building Code
- Cooling Based
- Prescriptive Codes
Trade Off
Partially, as long as a minimum of 50 points is achieved for the overall design then the designer can trade off on different energy efficiency measures. However, every design must meet a minimum of 30/50 points within the 'Energy' section. Overall Thermal Transfer Value (OTTV)—A Performance-Based BEEC
Performance Codes for Refurbishments
Performance evaluation is conducted through the points system, with a minimum of a 50 point score to be compliant.
Performance Codes for New Builds
Performance evaluation is conducted through the points system, with a minimum of a 50 point score to be compliant.
- Energy Declaration
- Model / reference Building
- Mix of different models / Hybrids
Energy Covered
Basis for Energy Requirements
- Overall performance frame
- Final Energy
- Primary Energy
Life Cycle Assessment considered (embedded energy)
Partially, Building Energy Efficiency Master Plan (BEEMP) “contains programs and measures that span the whole life cycle of a building” and are apportioned among six programs.
Energy Uses and Functions Covered by the Code
Maximum Permissible ETTV = 25 and 50 W/m2 (Cooling capacity) for residential and non-residential buildings respectively. Where the cooling capacity of any air-conditioning system exceeds 30 kW, the equipment shall comply with the relevant provisions of SS 530 – Code of Practice for Energy Efficiency Standard for Building Services and Equipment.
- Dehumidification
Up to 12 points can be scored for the use of the air-conditioners that are certified under the Singapore Energy Labelling Scheme, additionally points are available for the use of software analysis and simulation to optimise the capacity and sizing of the air-conditioning system of dwelling units to achieve energy savings.
Partially, all windows on the building envelope shall not exceed the air leakage rates specified in SS 212 – Specification for Aluminium Alloy Windows."
Thermal bridging
Partially, heat transfer of building envelope is taken care by computation of ETTV, RETV and RTTV.
Hot water
Project team can claim saving for the use of more efficient water system that is better than electric system. Singapore is a tropical country, domestic hot water system is usually not highly significant in term of energy consumption. Points available for the use of heat elevators or gas water heaters in at least 90% of all dwelling units. The use of more efficient hot water systems is encouraged.
Technical installations
Encourage the use of energy efficient features which are innovative and have positive environmental impact in terms of energy saving,
Residential - Encourage the use of better efficient lighting and daylighting in common areas to minimise energy consumption from lighting usage while maintaining proper lighting level. Maximum lighting power budget (Watts/m2) that depends on the type of building, ranging from 5 for carparks to 25 for shops/supermarkets etc. Commercial, 2 points can be scored for the use of high frequency ballasts in the fluorescent luminaries if it is adopted in at least 90% of the applicable areas.
- Appliances
Design, position & orientation of building
"Minimum direct west facing façade through building design orientation for non-residential buildings "
Heat recovery
Encourage the use of energy efficient features which are innovative and have positive environmental impact in terms of energy saving, such as Heat recovery
Passive solar
Passive cooling
Natural ventilation
Enhance building design to achieve good natural ventilation for better indoor comfort, Enhance building design to achieve good natural ventilation in common areas. Points awarded for the use of ventilation simulation software or wind tunnel testing to identify the most effective building design and layout in achieving good natural ventilation. Points can be scored for building design that utilises prevailing wind conditions to achieve adequate cross ventilation.
Solar protection
Includes requirements for shading co-efficients and solar Correction Factors (CF). Minimum Requirement on Shading Devices on West facing Façade for non-residential buildings
Daylighting requirements
Point available for the use of sun pipes for natural lighting and DALI lighting systems, and daylighting in wet areas.
Renewable Energy (solar, PV, others)
Encourage the use of renewable energy sources in buildings, 20 bonus points can be obtainable through incorporating renewable energy in both residential and non-residential buildings.
- Local renewable sources
- Energy Offsets/Green Certificates
Type of Enforcement
Local enforcement
BCA will check and approve the plans submitted by the QP and carry out compliance check on site. - Third party inspection
- Central enforcement
Accreditation of applicants
The developer or building owner shall engage the appropriate practitioners which include the qualified person (QP) to ensure that the building works are designed with physical features or amenities, and may be carried out using methods and materials to meet the minimum environmental sustainability standard stipulated in Environmental Regulations. -
Post Occupancy control
Certified Green Mark buildings are required to be re-assessed every three years to maintain the Green Mark status. New buildings certified will subsequently be re-assessed under the existing buildings criteria. Existing buildings will be re-assessed under the existing buildings criteria.
On-site Inspections Occur
- On-site inspections
- During construction
- Post completion
- Post occupancy
Certification to Support Enforcement of Code
Energy Performance Certificate support BC
P-Green Mark rating scheme. -
Positive labeling for building beyond the minimum BC level
Green Mark Platinum and GoldPlus. - Existence of EPC register database at national level
Number of certified buildings
As of 2008, there were eighteen buildings that achieved the Platinum rating and eighty‐seven additional buildings with Certified, Gold, and GoldPlus ratings. A total of two hundred and thirty‐two Green Mark projects have been completed since the program's inception. -
Inspection of boilers
N/A -
Inspection of HVAC systems
Only the efficiency of the air-conditioning plant has to be audited every 3 years by a professional, either a Professional Engineer (Mechanical) or an Energy Auditor registered with BCA.
Penalties for Non-compliance
- None
Non‐compliance with the Building Control Act and subsequent regulations results in a significant penalty - an individualis found to be guilty of an offense and fined (not more than $20,000 Singaporean) or imprisoned for up to six months. - Imprisonment
- Refusal of permission to occupy
- Refusal of permission to construct
- Demolition
Measures Supporting Enforcement
Commissioning requirements
The efficiency of the air-conditioning plant will be audited every 3 years by a professional, either a Professional Engineer (Mechanical) or an Energy Auditor registered with BCA. -
Airtightness testing required prior to compliance
Buildings are required to comply with requirement stated in SS212:2007 Aluminium Alloy Windows. -
Mandatory Computer Modeling
Partially, the Department of Mechanical Engineering of the National University of Singapore, in collaboration with the BCA, created a program called the Building Energy Standards (BEST).52. The modeling tool was designed for professionals in the building sector to demonstrate compliance with the prescribed energy standards. -
Training of Inspectors
The BCA Green Mark Scheme is developed by BCA and it is also adopted for Environmental Sustainability Regulation under the Building Control Act. Under the voluntary scheme, BCA assessors will meet with the project team to verify and check their design. For mandatory legislative submission, BCA officer will go down to verify the project randomly during TOP inspection. - Other
Values for New Buildings
Residential Buildings - Non Air-Conditioned
Mean | Min | Max | |
HDD (°C) | 0 | 0 | 0 |
CDD (°C) | 3568 | 3568 | 3568 |
U-Value (W/m²K) | |||
Roof | 0.8 | Roof2 | 1.5 |
Wall | - | Wall2 | - |
Floor | - | Floor2 | - |
Window | - | Window2 | - |
Other | - | - | - |
Overall U-Value | - | - | - |
Window1 | Window2 | |
G Value/SHGC | ||
Visible Transmission | ||
Percent |
Other Requirements Set for
Thermal bridge demands
No mandatory requirements.
Pressure testing for ducting
Not known at this stage.
- Requirements for heat recovery
Technical HVAC systems
Requirements for efficient lighting
Encourage the use of better efficient lighting and daylighting in common areas to minimise energy consumption from lighting usage while maintaining proper lighting level. Maximum lighting power budget (Watts/m2) that depends on the type of building, ranging from 5 for carparks to 25 for shops/supermarkets.
Non-Residential Building - Air Conditioned
Mean | Min | Max | |
HDD (°C) | 0 | 0 | 0 |
CDD (°C) | 3568 | 3568 | 3568 |
U-Value (W/m²K) | |||
Roof | 0.5 | Roof2 | 1.2 |
Wall | - | Wall2 | - |
Floor | - | Floor2 | - |
Window | - | Window2 | - |
Other | - | - | - |
Overall U-Value | - | - | - |
Window1 | Window2 | |
G Value/SHGC | ||
Visible Transmission | ||
Percent |
Other Requirements Set for
Thermal bridge demands
No mandatory requirements.
Ventilation requirements (Electricity consumption for air transportation?)
Depends on the type and size of system.
Pressure testing for ducting
Not known at this stage
Requirements for heat recovery
No mandatory requirement
Technical HVAC systems
Minimum efficiency requirements of the air-conditioning system in Commercial buildings (2.5 for non-inverter systems and 3.4 for inverter systems)
Requirements for efficient lighting
Commercial, 2 points can be scored for the use of high frequency ballasts in the fluorescent luminaries if it is adopted in at least 90% of the applicable areas that are served by fluorescent luminaries
Non-Residential Buildings - Non Air-conditioned
Mean | Min | Max | |
HDD (°C) | 0 | 0 | 0 |
CDD (°C) | 3568 | 3568 | 3568 |
U-Value (W/m²K) | |||
Roof | 0.8 | Roof2 | 1.5 |
Wall | - | Wall2 | - |
Floor | - | Floor2 | - |
Window | - | Window2 | - |
Other | - | - | - |
Overall U-Value | - | - | - |
Window1 | Window2 | |
G Value/SHGC | ||
Visible Transmission | ||
Percent |
Other Requirements Set for
Thermal bridge demands
No mandatory requirements.
Pressure testing for ducting
Not known at this stage.
Requirements for heat recovery
Technical HVAC systems
Requirements for efficient lighting
Commercial, 2 points can be scored for the use of high frequency ballasts in the fluorescent luminaries if it is adopted in at least 90% of the applicable areas that are served by fluorescent luminaries
Code History and Future Targets
How far in advance are future targets set?2030
Are stakeholders informed of future targets far in advance?Yes
Zero Energy Targets
Are all end uses considered in the target?
Not at this stage.
- Is there a realistic roadmap towards ZEB
National Target date for nZEB
Partially, Greening” 80% of its buildings by 2030.
- Special Requirements for public buildings
Multiple Sets of Data
Levels beyond minimum
3 additional levels of performance within the Green Mark system - Green Mark Gold rating 75 to < 85, Green Mark Gold(plus) rating 85 to < 90 and Green Mark Platinum rating 90 and above.
Year historic or aspirational codes (planned)
Singapore has invested $600 million in the Green Plan 2012, which aims to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and reduce carbon intensity by 25% by 2012 (when compared to 1990 levels). "
- Baseline (actual code if nothing else)
- Levels set in energy frame
- Levels set in primary energy
- Levels set in GHG emissions
- Levels calculated based on prescriptive
Primary Energy Performance Frame Non-Residential
Minimum 50 point Green Mark score, Green Mark Certified rating.
Actual level of Energy Consumption in Target
- Relative target in percent
- Levels set in energy frame
- Levels set in primary energy
- Levels set in GHG emissions
- Levels calculated based on prescriptive
Primary Energy Performance Frame Non-Residential
Minimum 50 point Green Mark score, Green Mark Certified rating.
Multiple Sets of Data
Levels beyond minimum
3 additional levels of performance within the Green Mark system - Green Mark Gold rating 75 to < 85, Green Mark Gold(plus) rating 85 to < 90 and Green Mark Platinum rating 90 and above.
Year historic or aspirational codes (planned)
Singapore has invested $600 million in the Green Plan 2012, which aims to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and reduce carbon intensity by 25% by 2012 (when compared to 1990 levels). "
- Baseline (actual code if nothing else)
- Levels set in energy frame
- Levels set in primary energy
- Levels set in GHG emissions
- Levels calculated based on prescriptive
Primary Energy Performance Frame Non-Residential
Minimum 50 point Green Mark score, Green Mark Certified rating.
Actual level of Energy Consumption in Target
- Relative target in percent
- Levels set in energy frame
- Levels set in primary energy
- Levels set in GHG emissions
- Levels calculated based on prescriptive
Primary Energy Performance Frame Non-Residential
Minimum 50 point Green Mark score, Green Mark Certified rating.
Multiple Sets of Data
Levels beyond minimum
3 additional levels of performance within the Green Mark system - Green Mark Gold rating 75 to < 85, Green Mark Gold(plus) rating 85 to < 90 and Green Mark Platinum rating 90 and above.
Year historic or aspirational codes (planned)
Singapore has invested $600 million in the Green Plan 2012, which aims to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and reduce carbon intensity by 25% by 2012 (when compared to 1990 levels). "
- Baseline (actual code if nothing else)
- Levels set in energy frame
- Levels set in primary energy
- Levels set in GHG emissions
- Levels calculated based on prescriptive
Primary Energy Performance Frame Non-Residential
Minimum 50 point Green Mark score, Green Mark Certified rating.
Actual level of Energy Consumption in Target
- Relative target in percent
- Levels set in energy frame
- Levels set in primary energy
- Levels set in GHG emissions
- Levels calculated based on prescriptive
Primary Energy Performance Frame Non-Residential
Minimum 50 point Green Mark score, Green Mark Certified rating.
Multiple Sets of Data
Levels beyond minimum
3 additional levels of performance within the Green Mark system - Green Mark Gold rating 75 to < 85, Green Mark Gold(plus) rating 85 to < 90 and Green Mark Platinum rating 90 and above.
Year historic or aspirational codes (planned)
Singapore has invested $600 million in the Green Plan 2012, which aims to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and reduce carbon intensity by 25% by 2012 (when compared to 1990 levels). "
- Baseline (actual code if nothing else)
- Levels set in energy frame
- Levels set in primary energy
- Levels set in GHG emissions
- Levels calculated based on prescriptive
Primary Energy Performance Frame Non-Residential
Minimum 50 point Green Mark score, Green Mark Certified rating.
Actual level of Energy Consumption in Target
- Relative target in percent
- Levels set in energy frame
- Levels set in primary energy
- Levels set in GHG emissions
- Levels calculated based on prescriptive
Primary Energy Performance Frame Non-Residential
Minimum 50 point Green Mark score, Green Mark Certified rating.
Multiple Sets of Data
Levels beyond minimum
3 additional levels of performance within the Green Mark system - Green Mark Gold rating 75 to < 85, Green Mark Gold(plus) rating 85 to < 90 and Green Mark Platinum rating 90 and above.
Year historic or aspirational codes (planned)
Singapore has invested $600 million in the Green Plan 2012, which aims to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and reduce carbon intensity by 25% by 2012 (when compared to 1990 levels). "
- Baseline (actual code if nothing else)
- Levels set in energy frame
- Levels set in primary energy
- Levels set in GHG emissions
- Levels calculated based on prescriptive
Primary Energy Performance Frame Non-Residential
Minimum 50 point Green Mark score, Green Mark Certified rating.
Actual level of Energy Consumption in Target
- Relative target in percent
- Levels set in energy frame
- Levels set in primary energy
- Levels set in GHG emissions
- Levels calculated based on prescriptive
Primary Energy Performance Frame Non-Residential
Minimum 50 point Green Mark score, Green Mark Certified rating.
Multiple Sets of Data
Levels beyond minimum
3 additional levels of performance within the Green Mark system - Green Mark Gold rating 75 to < 85, Green Mark Gold(plus) rating 85 to < 90 and Green Mark Platinum rating 90 and above.
Year historic or aspirational codes (planned)
Singapore has invested $600 million in the Green Plan 2012, which aims to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and reduce carbon intensity by 25% by 2012 (when compared to 1990 levels). "
- Baseline (actual code if nothing else)
- Levels set in energy frame
- Levels set in primary energy
- Levels set in GHG emissions
- Levels calculated based on prescriptive
Primary Energy Performance Frame Non-Residential
Minimum 50 point Green Mark score, Green Mark Certified rating.
Actual level of Energy Consumption in Target
- Relative target in percent
- Levels set in energy frame
- Levels set in primary energy
- Levels set in GHG emissions
- Levels calculated based on prescriptive
Primary Energy Performance Frame Non-Residential
Minimum 50 point Green Mark score, Green Mark Certified rating.
Multiple Sets of Data
Levels beyond minimum
3 additional levels of performance within the Green Mark system - Green Mark Gold rating 75 to < 85, Green Mark Gold(plus) rating 85 to < 90 and Green Mark Platinum rating 90 and above.
Year historic or aspirational codes (planned)
Singapore has invested $600 million in the Green Plan 2012, which aims to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and reduce carbon intensity by 25% by 2012 (when compared to 1990 levels). "
- Baseline (actual code if nothing else)
- Levels set in energy frame
- Levels set in primary energy
- Levels set in GHG emissions
- Levels calculated based on prescriptive
Primary Energy Performance Frame Non-Residential
Minimum 50 point Green Mark score, Green Mark Certified rating.
Actual level of Energy Consumption in Target
- Relative target in percent
- Levels set in energy frame
- Levels set in primary energy
- Levels set in GHG emissions
- Levels calculated based on prescriptive
Primary Energy Performance Frame Non-Residential
Minimum 50 point Green Mark score, Green Mark Certified rating.
Multiple Sets of Data
Levels beyond minimum
3 additional levels of performance within the Green Mark system - Green Mark Gold rating 75 to < 85, Green Mark Gold(plus) rating 85 to < 90 and Green Mark Platinum rating 90 and above.
Year historic or aspirational codes (planned)
Singapore has invested $600 million in the Green Plan 2012, which aims to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and reduce carbon intensity by 25% by 2012 (when compared to 1990 levels). "
- Baseline (actual code if nothing else)
- Levels set in energy frame
- Levels set in primary energy
- Levels set in GHG emissions
- Levels calculated based on prescriptive
Primary Energy Performance Frame Non-Residential
Minimum 50 point Green Mark score, Green Mark Certified rating.
Actual level of Energy Consumption in Target
- Relative target in percent
- Levels set in energy frame
- Levels set in primary energy
- Levels set in GHG emissions
- Levels calculated based on prescriptive
Primary Energy Performance Frame Non-Residential
Minimum 50 point Green Mark score, Green Mark Certified rating.
Multiple Sets of Data
Levels beyond minimum
3 additional levels of performance within the Green Mark system - Green Mark Gold rating 75 to < 85, Green Mark Gold(plus) rating 85 to < 90 and Green Mark Platinum rating 90 and above.
Year historic or aspirational codes (planned)
Singapore has invested $600 million in the Green Plan 2012, which aims to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and reduce carbon intensity by 25% by 2012 (when compared to 1990 levels). "
- Baseline (actual code if nothing else)
- Levels set in energy frame
- Levels set in primary energy
- Levels set in GHG emissions
- Levels calculated based on prescriptive
Primary Energy Performance Frame Non-Residential
Minimum 50 point Green Mark score, Green Mark Certified rating.
Actual level of Energy Consumption in Target
- Relative target in percent
- Levels set in energy frame
- Levels set in primary energy
- Levels set in GHG emissions
- Levels calculated based on prescriptive
Primary Energy Performance Frame Non-Residential
Minimum 50 point Green Mark score, Green Mark Certified rating.
Multiple Sets of Data
Levels beyond minimum
3 additional levels of performance within the Green Mark system - Green Mark Gold rating 75 to < 85, Green Mark Gold(plus) rating 85 to < 90 and Green Mark Platinum rating 90 and above.
Year historic or aspirational codes (planned)
Singapore has invested $600 million in the Green Plan 2012, which aims to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and reduce carbon intensity by 25% by 2012 (when compared to 1990 levels). "
- Baseline (actual code if nothing else)
- Levels set in energy frame
- Levels set in primary energy
- Levels set in GHG emissions
- Levels calculated based on prescriptive
Primary Energy Performance Frame Non-Residential
Minimum 50 point Green Mark score, Green Mark Certified rating.
Actual level of Energy Consumption in Target
- Relative target in percent
- Levels set in energy frame
- Levels set in primary energy
- Levels set in GHG emissions
- Levels calculated based on prescriptive
Primary Energy Performance Frame Non-Residential
Minimum 50 point Green Mark score, Green Mark Certified rating.
Multiple Sets of Data
Levels beyond minimum
3 additional levels of performance within the Green Mark system - Green Mark Gold rating 75 to < 85, Green Mark Gold(plus) rating 85 to < 90 and Green Mark Platinum rating 90 and above.
Year historic or aspirational codes (planned)
Singapore has invested $600 million in the Green Plan 2012, which aims to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and reduce carbon intensity by 25% by 2012 (when compared to 1990 levels). "
- Baseline (actual code if nothing else)
- Levels set in energy frame
- Levels set in primary energy
- Levels set in GHG emissions
- Levels calculated based on prescriptive
Primary Energy Performance Frame Non-Residential
Minimum 50 point Green Mark score, Green Mark Certified rating.
Actual level of Energy Consumption in Target
- Relative target in percent
- Levels set in energy frame
- Levels set in primary energy
- Levels set in GHG emissions
- Levels calculated based on prescriptive
Primary Energy Performance Frame Non-Residential
Minimum 50 point Green Mark score, Green Mark Certified rating.
Multiple Sets of Data
Levels beyond minimum
3 additional levels of performance within the Green Mark system - Green Mark Gold rating 75 to < 85, Green Mark Gold(plus) rating 85 to < 90 and Green Mark Platinum rating 90 and above.
Year historic or aspirational codes (planned)
Singapore has invested $600 million in the Green Plan 2012, which aims to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and reduce carbon intensity by 25% by 2012 (when compared to 1990 levels). "
- Baseline (actual code if nothing else)
- Levels set in energy frame
- Levels set in primary energy
- Levels set in GHG emissions
- Levels calculated based on prescriptive
Primary Energy Performance Frame Non-Residential
Minimum 50 point Green Mark score, Green Mark Certified rating.
Actual level of Energy Consumption in Target
- Relative target in percent
- Levels set in energy frame
- Levels set in primary energy
- Levels set in GHG emissions
- Levels calculated based on prescriptive
Primary Energy Performance Frame Non-Residential
Minimum 50 point Green Mark score, Green Mark Certified rating.
Multiple Sets of Data
Levels beyond minimum
3 additional levels of performance within the Green Mark system - Green Mark Gold rating 75 to < 85, Green Mark Gold(plus) rating 85 to < 90 and Green Mark Platinum rating 90 and above.
Year historic or aspirational codes (planned)
Singapore has invested $600 million in the Green Plan 2012, which aims to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and reduce carbon intensity by 25% by 2012 (when compared to 1990 levels). "
- Baseline (actual code if nothing else)
- Levels set in energy frame
- Levels set in primary energy
- Levels set in GHG emissions
- Levels calculated based on prescriptive
Primary Energy Performance Frame Non-Residential
Minimum 50 point Green Mark score, Green Mark Certified rating.
Actual level of Energy Consumption in Target
- Relative target in percent
- Levels set in energy frame
- Levels set in primary energy
- Levels set in GHG emissions
- Levels calculated based on prescriptive
Primary Energy Performance Frame Non-Residential
Minimum 50 point Green Mark score, Green Mark Certified rating.
Multiple Sets of Data
Levels beyond minimum
3 additional levels of performance within the Green Mark system - Green Mark Gold rating 75 to < 85, Green Mark Gold(plus) rating 85 to < 90 and Green Mark Platinum rating 90 and above.
Year historic or aspirational codes (planned)
Singapore has invested $600 million in the Green Plan 2012, which aims to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and reduce carbon intensity by 25% by 2012 (when compared to 1990 levels). "
- Baseline (actual code if nothing else)
- Levels set in energy frame
- Levels set in primary energy
- Levels set in GHG emissions
- Levels calculated based on prescriptive
Primary Energy Performance Frame Non-Residential
Minimum 50 point Green Mark score, Green Mark Certified rating.
Actual level of Energy Consumption in Target
- Relative target in percent
- Levels set in energy frame
- Levels set in primary energy
- Levels set in GHG emissions
- Levels calculated based on prescriptive
Primary Energy Performance Frame Non-Residential
Minimum 50 point Green Mark score, Green Mark Certified rating.
Multiple Sets of Data
Levels beyond minimum
3 additional levels of performance within the Green Mark system - Green Mark Gold rating 75 to < 85, Green Mark Gold(plus) rating 85 to < 90 and Green Mark Platinum rating 90 and above.
Year historic or aspirational codes (planned)
Singapore has invested $600 million in the Green Plan 2012, which aims to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and reduce carbon intensity by 25% by 2012 (when compared to 1990 levels). "
- Baseline (actual code if nothing else)
- Levels set in energy frame
- Levels set in primary energy
- Levels set in GHG emissions
- Levels calculated based on prescriptive
Primary Energy Performance Frame Non-Residential
Minimum 50 point Green Mark score, Green Mark Certified rating.
Actual level of Energy Consumption in Target
- Relative target in percent
- Levels set in energy frame
- Levels set in primary energy
- Levels set in GHG emissions
- Levels calculated based on prescriptive
Primary Energy Performance Frame Non-Residential
Minimum 50 point Green Mark score, Green Mark Certified rating.
Multiple Sets of Data
Levels beyond minimum
3 additional levels of performance within the Green Mark system - Green Mark Gold rating 75 to < 85, Green Mark Gold(plus) rating 85 to < 90 and Green Mark Platinum rating 90 and above.
Year historic or aspirational codes (planned)
Singapore has invested $600 million in the Green Plan 2012, which aims to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and reduce carbon intensity by 25% by 2012 (when compared to 1990 levels). "
- Baseline (actual code if nothing else)
- Levels set in energy frame
- Levels set in primary energy
- Levels set in GHG emissions
- Levels calculated based on prescriptive
Primary Energy Performance Frame Non-Residential
Minimum 50 point Green Mark score, Green Mark Certified rating.
Actual level of Energy Consumption in Target
- Relative target in percent
- Levels set in energy frame
- Levels set in primary energy
- Levels set in GHG emissions
- Levels calculated based on prescriptive
Primary Energy Performance Frame Non-Residential
Minimum 50 point Green Mark score, Green Mark Certified rating.
Multiple Sets of Data
Levels beyond minimum
3 additional levels of performance within the Green Mark system - Green Mark Gold rating 75 to < 85, Green Mark Gold(plus) rating 85 to < 90 and Green Mark Platinum rating 90 and above.
Year historic or aspirational codes (planned)
Singapore has invested $600 million in the Green Plan 2012, which aims to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and reduce carbon intensity by 25% by 2012 (when compared to 1990 levels). "
- Baseline (actual code if nothing else)
- Levels set in energy frame
- Levels set in primary energy
- Levels set in GHG emissions
- Levels calculated based on prescriptive
Primary Energy Performance Frame Non-Residential
Minimum 50 point Green Mark score, Green Mark Certified rating.
Actual level of Energy Consumption in Target
- Relative target in percent
- Levels set in energy frame
- Levels set in primary energy
- Levels set in GHG emissions
- Levels calculated based on prescriptive
Primary Energy Performance Frame Non-Residential
Minimum 50 point Green Mark score, Green Mark Certified rating.
Multiple Sets of Data
Levels beyond minimum
3 additional levels of performance within the Green Mark system - Green Mark Gold rating 75 to < 85, Green Mark Gold(plus) rating 85 to < 90 and Green Mark Platinum rating 90 and above.
Year historic or aspirational codes (planned)
Singapore has invested $600 million in the Green Plan 2012, which aims to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and reduce carbon intensity by 25% by 2012 (when compared to 1990 levels). "
- Baseline (actual code if nothing else)
- Levels set in energy frame
- Levels set in primary energy
- Levels set in GHG emissions
- Levels calculated based on prescriptive
Primary Energy Performance Frame Non-Residential
Minimum 50 point Green Mark score, Green Mark Certified rating.
Actual level of Energy Consumption in Target
- Relative target in percent
- Levels set in energy frame
- Levels set in primary energy
- Levels set in GHG emissions
- Levels calculated based on prescriptive
Primary Energy Performance Frame Non-Residential
Minimum 50 point Green Mark score, Green Mark Certified rating.
Multiple Sets of Data
Levels beyond minimum
3 additional levels of performance within the Green Mark system - Green Mark Gold rating 75 to < 85, Green Mark Gold(plus) rating 85 to < 90 and Green Mark Platinum rating 90 and above.
Year historic or aspirational codes (planned)
Singapore has invested $600 million in the Green Plan 2012, which aims to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and reduce carbon intensity by 25% by 2012 (when compared to 1990 levels). "
- Baseline (actual code if nothing else)
- Levels set in energy frame
- Levels set in primary energy
- Levels set in GHG emissions
- Levels calculated based on prescriptive
Primary Energy Performance Frame Non-Residential
Minimum 50 point Green Mark score, Green Mark Certified rating.
Actual level of Energy Consumption in Target
- Relative target in percent
- Levels set in energy frame
- Levels set in primary energy
- Levels set in GHG emissions
- Levels calculated based on prescriptive
Primary Energy Performance Frame Non-Residential
Minimum 50 point Green Mark score, Green Mark Certified rating.
Multiple Sets of Data
Levels beyond minimum
3 additional levels of performance within the Green Mark system - Green Mark Gold rating 75 to < 85, Green Mark Gold(plus) rating 85 to < 90 and Green Mark Platinum rating 90 and above.
Year historic or aspirational codes (planned)
Singapore has invested $600 million in the Green Plan 2012, which aims to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and reduce carbon intensity by 25% by 2012 (when compared to 1990 levels). "
- Baseline (actual code if nothing else)
- Levels set in energy frame
- Levels set in primary energy
- Levels set in GHG emissions
- Levels calculated based on prescriptive
Primary Energy Performance Frame Non-Residential
Minimum 50 point Green Mark score, Green Mark Certified rating.
Actual level of Energy Consumption in Target
- Relative target in percent
- Levels set in energy frame
- Levels set in primary energy
- Levels set in GHG emissions
- Levels calculated based on prescriptive
Primary Energy Performance Frame Non-Residential
Minimum 50 point Green Mark score, Green Mark Certified rating.
Multiple Sets of Data
Levels beyond minimum
3 additional levels of performance within the Green Mark system - Green Mark Gold rating 75 to < 85, Green Mark Gold(plus) rating 85 to < 90 and Green Mark Platinum rating 90 and above.
Year historic or aspirational codes (planned)
Singapore has invested $600 million in the Green Plan 2012, which aims to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and reduce carbon intensity by 25% by 2012 (when compared to 1990 levels). "
- Baseline (actual code if nothing else)
- Levels set in energy frame
- Levels set in primary energy
- Levels set in GHG emissions
- Levels calculated based on prescriptive
Primary Energy Performance Frame Non-Residential
Minimum 50 point Green Mark score, Green Mark Certified rating.
Actual level of Energy Consumption in Target
- Relative target in percent
- Levels set in energy frame
- Levels set in primary energy
- Levels set in GHG emissions
- Levels calculated based on prescriptive
Primary Energy Performance Frame Non-Residential
Minimum 50 point Green Mark score, Green Mark Certified rating.
Multiple Sets of Data
Levels beyond minimum
3 additional levels of performance within the Green Mark system - Green Mark Gold rating 75 to < 85, Green Mark Gold(plus) rating 85 to < 90 and Green Mark Platinum rating 90 and above.
Year historic or aspirational codes (planned)
Singapore has invested $600 million in the Green Plan 2012, which aims to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and reduce carbon intensity by 25% by 2012 (when compared to 1990 levels). "
- Baseline (actual code if nothing else)
- Levels set in energy frame
- Levels set in primary energy
- Levels set in GHG emissions
- Levels calculated based on prescriptive
Primary Energy Performance Frame Non-Residential
Minimum 50 point Green Mark score, Green Mark Certified rating.
Actual level of Energy Consumption in Target
- Relative target in percent
- Levels set in energy frame
- Levels set in primary energy
- Levels set in GHG emissions
- Levels calculated based on prescriptive
Primary Energy Performance Frame Non-Residential
Minimum 50 point Green Mark score, Green Mark Certified rating.
Multiple Sets of Data
Levels beyond minimum
3 additional levels of performance within the Green Mark system - Green Mark Gold rating 75 to < 85, Green Mark Gold(plus) rating 85 to < 90 and Green Mark Platinum rating 90 and above.
Year historic or aspirational codes (planned)
Singapore has invested $600 million in the Green Plan 2012, which aims to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and reduce carbon intensity by 25% by 2012 (when compared to 1990 levels). "
- Baseline (actual code if nothing else)
- Levels set in energy frame
- Levels set in primary energy
- Levels set in GHG emissions
- Levels calculated based on prescriptive
Primary Energy Performance Frame Non-Residential
Minimum 50 point Green Mark score, Green Mark Certified rating.
Actual level of Energy Consumption in Target
- Relative target in percent
- Levels set in energy frame
- Levels set in primary energy
- Levels set in GHG emissions
- Levels calculated based on prescriptive
Primary Energy Performance Frame Non-Residential
Minimum 50 point Green Mark score, Green Mark Certified rating.
Multiple Sets of Data
Levels beyond minimum
3 additional levels of performance within the Green Mark system - Green Mark Gold rating 75 to < 85, Green Mark Gold(plus) rating 85 to < 90 and Green Mark Platinum rating 90 and above.
Year historic or aspirational codes (planned)
Singapore has invested $600 million in the Green Plan 2012, which aims to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and reduce carbon intensity by 25% by 2012 (when compared to 1990 levels). "
- Baseline (actual code if nothing else)
- Levels set in energy frame
- Levels set in primary energy
- Levels set in GHG emissions
- Levels calculated based on prescriptive
Primary Energy Performance Frame Non-Residential
Minimum 50 point Green Mark score, Green Mark Certified rating.
Actual level of Energy Consumption in Target
- Relative target in percent
- Levels set in energy frame
- Levels set in primary energy
- Levels set in GHG emissions
- Levels calculated based on prescriptive
Primary Energy Performance Frame Non-Residential
Minimum 50 point Green Mark score, Green Mark Certified rating.
Multiple Sets of Data
Levels beyond minimum
3 additional levels of performance within the Green Mark system - Green Mark Gold rating 75 to < 85, Green Mark Gold(plus) rating 85 to < 90 and Green Mark Platinum rating 90 and above.
Year historic or aspirational codes (planned)
Singapore has invested $600 million in the Green Plan 2012, which aims to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and reduce carbon intensity by 25% by 2012 (when compared to 1990 levels). "
- Baseline (actual code if nothing else)
- Levels set in energy frame
- Levels set in primary energy
- Levels set in GHG emissions
- Levels calculated based on prescriptive
Primary Energy Performance Frame Non-Residential
Minimum 50 point Green Mark score, Green Mark Certified rating.
Actual level of Energy Consumption in Target
- Relative target in percent
- Levels set in energy frame
- Levels set in primary energy
- Levels set in GHG emissions
- Levels calculated based on prescriptive
Primary Energy Performance Frame Non-Residential
Minimum 50 point Green Mark score, Green Mark Certified rating.
Multiple Sets of Data
Levels beyond minimum
3 additional levels of performance within the Green Mark system - Green Mark Gold rating 75 to < 85, Green Mark Gold(plus) rating 85 to < 90 and Green Mark Platinum rating 90 and above.
Year historic or aspirational codes (planned)
Singapore has invested $600 million in the Green Plan 2012, which aims to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and reduce carbon intensity by 25% by 2012 (when compared to 1990 levels). "
- Baseline (actual code if nothing else)
- Levels set in energy frame
- Levels set in primary energy
- Levels set in GHG emissions
- Levels calculated based on prescriptive
Primary Energy Performance Frame Non-Residential
Minimum 50 point Green Mark score, Green Mark Certified rating.
Actual level of Energy Consumption in Target
- Relative target in percent
- Levels set in energy frame
- Levels set in primary energy
- Levels set in GHG emissions
- Levels calculated based on prescriptive
Primary Energy Performance Frame Non-Residential
Minimum 50 point Green Mark score, Green Mark Certified rating.
Multiple Sets of Data
Levels beyond minimum
3 additional levels of performance within the Green Mark system - Green Mark Gold rating 75 to < 85, Green Mark Gold(plus) rating 85 to < 90 and Green Mark Platinum rating 90 and above.
Year historic or aspirational codes (planned)
Singapore has invested $600 million in the Green Plan 2012, which aims to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and reduce carbon intensity by 25% by 2012 (when compared to 1990 levels). "
- Baseline (actual code if nothing else)
- Levels set in energy frame
- Levels set in primary energy
- Levels set in GHG emissions
- Levels calculated based on prescriptive
Primary Energy Performance Frame Non-Residential
Minimum 50 point Green Mark score, Green Mark Certified rating.
Actual level of Energy Consumption in Target
- Relative target in percent
- Levels set in energy frame
- Levels set in primary energy
- Levels set in GHG emissions
- Levels calculated based on prescriptive
Primary Energy Performance Frame Non-Residential
Minimum 50 point Green Mark score, Green Mark Certified rating.
Multiple Sets of Data
Levels beyond minimum
3 additional levels of performance within the Green Mark system - Green Mark Gold rating 75 to < 85, Green Mark Gold(plus) rating 85 to < 90 and Green Mark Platinum rating 90 and above.
Year historic or aspirational codes (planned)
Singapore has invested $600 million in the Green Plan 2012, which aims to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and reduce carbon intensity by 25% by 2012 (when compared to 1990 levels). "
- Baseline (actual code if nothing else)
- Levels set in energy frame
- Levels set in primary energy
- Levels set in GHG emissions
- Levels calculated based on prescriptive
Primary Energy Performance Frame Non-Residential
Minimum 50 point Green Mark score, Green Mark Certified rating.
Actual level of Energy Consumption in Target
- Relative target in percent
- Levels set in energy frame
- Levels set in primary energy
- Levels set in GHG emissions
- Levels calculated based on prescriptive
Primary Energy Performance Frame Non-Residential
Minimum 50 point Green Mark score, Green Mark Certified rating.
Multiple Sets of Data
Levels beyond minimum
3 additional levels of performance within the Green Mark system - Green Mark Gold rating 75 to < 85, Green Mark Gold(plus) rating 85 to < 90 and Green Mark Platinum rating 90 and above.
Year historic or aspirational codes (planned)
Singapore has invested $600 million in the Green Plan 2012, which aims to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and reduce carbon intensity by 25% by 2012 (when compared to 1990 levels). "
- Baseline (actual code if nothing else)
- Levels set in energy frame
- Levels set in primary energy
- Levels set in GHG emissions
- Levels calculated based on prescriptive
Primary Energy Performance Frame Non-Residential
Minimum 50 point Green Mark score, Green Mark Certified rating.
Actual level of Energy Consumption in Target
- Relative target in percent
- Levels set in energy frame
- Levels set in primary energy
- Levels set in GHG emissions
- Levels calculated based on prescriptive
Primary Energy Performance Frame Non-Residential
Minimum 50 point Green Mark score, Green Mark Certified rating.
Multiple Sets of Data
Levels beyond minimum
3 additional levels of performance within the Green Mark system - Green Mark Gold rating 75 to < 85, Green Mark Gold(plus) rating 85 to < 90 and Green Mark Platinum rating 90 and above.
Year historic or aspirational codes (planned)
Singapore has invested $600 million in the Green Plan 2012, which aims to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and reduce carbon intensity by 25% by 2012 (when compared to 1990 levels). "
- Baseline (actual code if nothing else)
- Levels set in energy frame
- Levels set in primary energy
- Levels set in GHG emissions
- Levels calculated based on prescriptive
Primary Energy Performance Frame Non-Residential
Minimum 50 point Green Mark score, Green Mark Certified rating.
Actual level of Energy Consumption in Target
- Relative target in percent
- Levels set in energy frame
- Levels set in primary energy
- Levels set in GHG emissions
- Levels calculated based on prescriptive
Primary Energy Performance Frame Non-Residential
Minimum 50 point Green Mark score, Green Mark Certified rating.
Multiple Sets of Data
Levels beyond minimum
3 additional levels of performance within the Green Mark system - Green Mark Gold rating 75 to < 85, Green Mark Gold(plus) rating 85 to < 90 and Green Mark Platinum rating 90 and above.
Year historic or aspirational codes (planned)
Singapore has invested $600 million in the Green Plan 2012, which aims to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and reduce carbon intensity by 25% by 2012 (when compared to 1990 levels). "
- Baseline (actual code if nothing else)
- Levels set in energy frame
- Levels set in primary energy
- Levels set in GHG emissions
- Levels calculated based on prescriptive
Primary Energy Performance Frame Non-Residential
Minimum 50 point Green Mark score, Green Mark Certified rating.
Actual level of Energy Consumption in Target
- Relative target in percent
- Levels set in energy frame
- Levels set in primary energy
- Levels set in GHG emissions
- Levels calculated based on prescriptive
Primary Energy Performance Frame Non-Residential
Minimum 50 point Green Mark score, Green Mark Certified rating.
Multiple Sets of Data
Levels beyond minimum
3 additional levels of performance within the Green Mark system - Green Mark Gold rating 75 to < 85, Green Mark Gold(plus) rating 85 to < 90 and Green Mark Platinum rating 90 and above.
Year historic or aspirational codes (planned)
Singapore has invested $600 million in the Green Plan 2012, which aims to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and reduce carbon intensity by 25% by 2012 (when compared to 1990 levels). "
- Baseline (actual code if nothing else)
- Levels set in energy frame
- Levels set in primary energy
- Levels set in GHG emissions
- Levels calculated based on prescriptive
Primary Energy Performance Frame Non-Residential
Minimum 50 point Green Mark score, Green Mark Certified rating.
Actual level of Energy Consumption in Target
- Relative target in percent
- Levels set in energy frame
- Levels set in primary energy
- Levels set in GHG emissions
- Levels calculated based on prescriptive
Primary Energy Performance Frame Non-Residential
Minimum 50 point Green Mark score, Green Mark Certified rating.
Multiple Sets of Data
Levels beyond minimum
3 additional levels of performance within the Green Mark system - Green Mark Gold rating 75 to < 85, Green Mark Gold(plus) rating 85 to < 90 and Green Mark Platinum rating 90 and above.
Year historic or aspirational codes (planned)
Singapore has invested $600 million in the Green Plan 2012, which aims to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and reduce carbon intensity by 25% by 2012 (when compared to 1990 levels). "
- Baseline (actual code if nothing else)
- Levels set in energy frame
- Levels set in primary energy
- Levels set in GHG emissions
- Levels calculated based on prescriptive
Primary Energy Performance Frame Non-Residential
Minimum 50 point Green Mark score, Green Mark Certified rating.
Actual level of Energy Consumption in Target
- Relative target in percent
- Levels set in energy frame
- Levels set in primary energy
- Levels set in GHG emissions
- Levels calculated based on prescriptive
Primary Energy Performance Frame Non-Residential
Minimum 50 point Green Mark score, Green Mark Certified rating.
Multiple Sets of Data
Levels beyond minimum
3 additional levels of performance within the Green Mark system - Green Mark Gold rating 75 to < 85, Green Mark Gold(plus) rating 85 to < 90 and Green Mark Platinum rating 90 and above.
Year historic or aspirational codes (planned)
Singapore has invested $600 million in the Green Plan 2012, which aims to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and reduce carbon intensity by 25% by 2012 (when compared to 1990 levels). "
- Baseline (actual code if nothing else)
- Levels set in energy frame
- Levels set in primary energy
- Levels set in GHG emissions
- Levels calculated based on prescriptive
Primary Energy Performance Frame Non-Residential
Minimum 50 point Green Mark score, Green Mark Certified rating.
Actual level of Energy Consumption in Target
- Relative target in percent
- Levels set in energy frame
- Levels set in primary energy
- Levels set in GHG emissions
- Levels calculated based on prescriptive
Primary Energy Performance Frame Non-Residential
Minimum 50 point Green Mark score, Green Mark Certified rating.
Multiple Sets of Data
Levels beyond minimum
3 additional levels of performance within the Green Mark system - Green Mark Gold rating 75 to < 85, Green Mark Gold(plus) rating 85 to < 90 and Green Mark Platinum rating 90 and above.
Year historic or aspirational codes (planned)
Singapore has invested $600 million in the Green Plan 2012, which aims to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and reduce carbon intensity by 25% by 2012 (when compared to 1990 levels). "
- Baseline (actual code if nothing else)
- Levels set in energy frame
- Levels set in primary energy
- Levels set in GHG emissions
- Levels calculated based on prescriptive
Primary Energy Performance Frame Non-Residential
Minimum 50 point Green Mark score, Green Mark Certified rating.
Actual level of Energy Consumption in Target
- Relative target in percent
- Levels set in energy frame
- Levels set in primary energy
- Levels set in GHG emissions
- Levels calculated based on prescriptive
Primary Energy Performance Frame Non-Residential
Minimum 50 point Green Mark score, Green Mark Certified rating.
Multiple Sets of Data
Levels beyond minimum
3 additional levels of performance within the Green Mark system - Green Mark Gold rating 75 to < 85, Green Mark Gold(plus) rating 85 to < 90 and Green Mark Platinum rating 90 and above.
Year historic or aspirational codes (planned)
Singapore has invested $600 million in the Green Plan 2012, which aims to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and reduce carbon intensity by 25% by 2012 (when compared to 1990 levels). "
- Baseline (actual code if nothing else)
- Levels set in energy frame
- Levels set in primary energy
- Levels set in GHG emissions
- Levels calculated based on prescriptive
Primary Energy Performance Frame Non-Residential
Minimum 50 point Green Mark score, Green Mark Certified rating.
Actual level of Energy Consumption in Target
- Relative target in percent
- Levels set in energy frame
- Levels set in primary energy
- Levels set in GHG emissions
- Levels calculated based on prescriptive
Primary Energy Performance Frame Non-Residential
Minimum 50 point Green Mark score, Green Mark Certified rating.
Multiple Sets of Data
Levels beyond minimum
3 additional levels of performance within the Green Mark system - Green Mark Gold rating 75 to < 85, Green Mark Gold(plus) rating 85 to < 90 and Green Mark Platinum rating 90 and above.
Year historic or aspirational codes (planned)
Singapore has invested $600 million in the Green Plan 2012, which aims to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and reduce carbon intensity by 25% by 2012 (when compared to 1990 levels). "
- Baseline (actual code if nothing else)
- Levels set in energy frame
- Levels set in primary energy
- Levels set in GHG emissions
- Levels calculated based on prescriptive
Primary Energy Performance Frame Non-Residential
Minimum 50 point Green Mark score, Green Mark Certified rating.
Actual level of Energy Consumption in Target
- Relative target in percent
- Levels set in energy frame
- Levels set in primary energy
- Levels set in GHG emissions
- Levels calculated based on prescriptive
Primary Energy Performance Frame Non-Residential
Minimum 50 point Green Mark score, Green Mark Certified rating.
Multiple Sets of Data
Levels beyond minimum
3 additional levels of performance within the Green Mark system - Green Mark Gold rating 75 to < 85, Green Mark Gold(plus) rating 85 to < 90 and Green Mark Platinum rating 90 and above.
Year historic or aspirational codes (planned)
Singapore has invested $600 million in the Green Plan 2012, which aims to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and reduce carbon intensity by 25% by 2012 (when compared to 1990 levels). "
- Baseline (actual code if nothing else)
- Levels set in energy frame
- Levels set in primary energy
- Levels set in GHG emissions
- Levels calculated based on prescriptive
Primary Energy Performance Frame Non-Residential
Minimum 50 point Green Mark score, Green Mark Certified rating.
Actual level of Energy Consumption in Target
- Relative target in percent
- Levels set in energy frame
- Levels set in primary energy
- Levels set in GHG emissions
- Levels calculated based on prescriptive
Primary Energy Performance Frame Non-Residential
Minimum 50 point Green Mark score, Green Mark Certified rating.
Multiple Sets of Data
Levels beyond minimum
3 additional levels of performance within the Green Mark system - Green Mark Gold rating 75 to < 85, Green Mark Gold(plus) rating 85 to < 90 and Green Mark Platinum rating 90 and above.
Year historic or aspirational codes (planned)
Singapore has invested $600 million in the Green Plan 2012, which aims to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and reduce carbon intensity by 25% by 2012 (when compared to 1990 levels). "
- Baseline (actual code if nothing else)
- Levels set in energy frame
- Levels set in primary energy
- Levels set in GHG emissions
- Levels calculated based on prescriptive
Primary Energy Performance Frame Non-Residential
Minimum 50 point Green Mark score, Green Mark Certified rating.
Actual level of Energy Consumption in Target
- Relative target in percent
- Levels set in energy frame
- Levels set in primary energy
- Levels set in GHG emissions
- Levels calculated based on prescriptive
Primary Energy Performance Frame Non-Residential
Minimum 50 point Green Mark score, Green Mark Certified rating.
Multiple Sets of Data
Levels beyond minimum
3 additional levels of performance within the Green Mark system - Green Mark Gold rating 75 to < 85, Green Mark Gold(plus) rating 85 to < 90 and Green Mark Platinum rating 90 and above.
Year historic or aspirational codes (planned)
Singapore has invested $600 million in the Green Plan 2012, which aims to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and reduce carbon intensity by 25% by 2012 (when compared to 1990 levels). "
- Baseline (actual code if nothing else)
- Levels set in energy frame
- Levels set in primary energy
- Levels set in GHG emissions
- Levels calculated based on prescriptive
Primary Energy Performance Frame Non-Residential
Minimum 50 point Green Mark score, Green Mark Certified rating.
Actual level of Energy Consumption in Target
- Relative target in percent
- Levels set in energy frame
- Levels set in primary energy
- Levels set in GHG emissions
- Levels calculated based on prescriptive
Primary Energy Performance Frame Non-Residential
Minimum 50 point Green Mark score, Green Mark Certified rating.
Multiple Sets of Data
Levels beyond minimum
3 additional levels of performance within the Green Mark system - Green Mark Gold rating 75 to < 85, Green Mark Gold(plus) rating 85 to < 90 and Green Mark Platinum rating 90 and above.
Year historic or aspirational codes (planned)
Singapore has invested $600 million in the Green Plan 2012, which aims to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and reduce carbon intensity by 25% by 2012 (when compared to 1990 levels). "
- Baseline (actual code if nothing else)
- Levels set in energy frame
- Levels set in primary energy
- Levels set in GHG emissions
- Levels calculated based on prescriptive
Primary Energy Performance Frame Non-Residential
Minimum 50 point Green Mark score, Green Mark Certified rating.
Actual level of Energy Consumption in Target
- Relative target in percent
- Levels set in energy frame
- Levels set in primary energy
- Levels set in GHG emissions
- Levels calculated based on prescriptive
Primary Energy Performance Frame Non-Residential
Minimum 50 point Green Mark score, Green Mark Certified rating.
Multiple Sets of Data
Levels beyond minimum
3 additional levels of performance within the Green Mark system - Green Mark Gold rating 75 to < 85, Green Mark Gold(plus) rating 85 to < 90 and Green Mark Platinum rating 90 and above.
Year historic or aspirational codes (planned)
Singapore has invested $600 million in the Green Plan 2012, which aims to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and reduce carbon intensity by 25% by 2012 (when compared to 1990 levels). "
- Baseline (actual code if nothing else)
- Levels set in energy frame
- Levels set in primary energy
- Levels set in GHG emissions
- Levels calculated based on prescriptive
Primary Energy Performance Frame Non-Residential
Minimum 50 point Green Mark score, Green Mark Certified rating.
Actual level of Energy Consumption in Target
- Relative target in percent
- Levels set in energy frame
- Levels set in primary energy
- Levels set in GHG emissions
- Levels calculated based on prescriptive
Primary Energy Performance Frame Non-Residential
Minimum 50 point Green Mark score, Green Mark Certified rating.
Multiple Sets of Data
Levels beyond minimum
3 additional levels of performance within the Green Mark system - Green Mark Gold rating 75 to < 85, Green Mark Gold(plus) rating 85 to < 90 and Green Mark Platinum rating 90 and above.
Year historic or aspirational codes (planned)
Singapore has invested $600 million in the Green Plan 2012, which aims to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and reduce carbon intensity by 25% by 2012 (when compared to 1990 levels). "
- Baseline (actual code if nothing else)
- Levels set in energy frame
- Levels set in primary energy
- Levels set in GHG emissions
- Levels calculated based on prescriptive
Primary Energy Performance Frame Non-Residential
Minimum 50 point Green Mark score, Green Mark Certified rating.
Actual level of Energy Consumption in Target
- Relative target in percent
- Levels set in energy frame
- Levels set in primary energy
- Levels set in GHG emissions
- Levels calculated based on prescriptive
Primary Energy Performance Frame Non-Residential
Minimum 50 point Green Mark score, Green Mark Certified rating.
Multiple Sets of Data
Levels beyond minimum
3 additional levels of performance within the Green Mark system - Green Mark Gold rating 75 to < 85, Green Mark Gold(plus) rating 85 to < 90 and Green Mark Platinum rating 90 and above.
Year historic or aspirational codes (planned)
Singapore has invested $600 million in the Green Plan 2012, which aims to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and reduce carbon intensity by 25% by 2012 (when compared to 1990 levels). "
- Baseline (actual code if nothing else)
- Levels set in energy frame
- Levels set in primary energy
- Levels set in GHG emissions
- Levels calculated based on prescriptive
Primary Energy Performance Frame Non-Residential
Minimum 50 point Green Mark score, Green Mark Certified rating.
Actual level of Energy Consumption in Target
- Relative target in percent
- Levels set in energy frame
- Levels set in primary energy
- Levels set in GHG emissions
- Levels calculated based on prescriptive
Primary Energy Performance Frame Non-Residential
Minimum 50 point Green Mark score, Green Mark Certified rating.
Multiple Sets of Data
Levels beyond minimum
3 additional levels of performance within the Green Mark system - Green Mark Gold rating 75 to < 85, Green Mark Gold(plus) rating 85 to < 90 and Green Mark Platinum rating 90 and above.
Year historic or aspirational codes (planned)
Singapore has invested $600 million in the Green Plan 2012, which aims to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and reduce carbon intensity by 25% by 2012 (when compared to 1990 levels). "
- Baseline (actual code if nothing else)
- Levels set in energy frame
- Levels set in primary energy
- Levels set in GHG emissions
- Levels calculated based on prescriptive
Primary Energy Performance Frame Non-Residential
Minimum 50 point Green Mark score, Green Mark Certified rating.
Actual level of Energy Consumption in Target
- Relative target in percent
- Levels set in energy frame
- Levels set in primary energy
- Levels set in GHG emissions
- Levels calculated based on prescriptive
Primary Energy Performance Frame Non-Residential
Minimum 50 point Green Mark score, Green Mark Certified rating.
Multiple Sets of Data
Levels beyond minimum
3 additional levels of performance within the Green Mark system - Green Mark Gold rating 75 to < 85, Green Mark Gold(plus) rating 85 to < 90 and Green Mark Platinum rating 90 and above.
Year historic or aspirational codes (planned)
Singapore has invested $600 million in the Green Plan 2012, which aims to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and reduce carbon intensity by 25% by 2012 (when compared to 1990 levels). "
- Baseline (actual code if nothing else)
- Levels set in energy frame
- Levels set in primary energy
- Levels set in GHG emissions
- Levels calculated based on prescriptive
Primary Energy Performance Frame Non-Residential
Minimum 50 point Green Mark score, Green Mark Certified rating.
Actual level of Energy Consumption in Target
- Relative target in percent
- Levels set in energy frame
- Levels set in primary energy
- Levels set in GHG emissions
- Levels calculated based on prescriptive
Primary Energy Performance Frame Non-Residential
Minimum 50 point Green Mark score, Green Mark Certified rating.
Supporting Measures
- Incentives/Rewards to Encourage People to go beyond Minimum Level?
- Involvement of Stakeholders in the Development of Codes
- Level of Training Provided to Stakeholders Following Implementation of Code?
- Provision of Appropriate Information for General Public
- Supporting Certification Schemes
- Codes Free to Access?