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Code Development


In the United States, the national model energy codes began in 1975, with ASHRAE Standard 90-75. Model energy codes are developed by two private sector organizations: the American Society for Heating, Refrigerating, and Air-Conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE) and the International Codes Council. ASHRAE focusses mainly on commercial codes, while the ICC mainly facilitates development of residential codes. States adopt model codes, at which point they become standards.

Start Year
Exact Start Year
1 975
Start Year Range
< 1980
Revision Schedule
Yes, a revision schedule exists
Revision Schedule Explanation

National model codes are updated on a three year cycle. 

Existing Code Coverage
Stakeholder Engagement
Stakeholder Engagement
Working group
Technical Committee
Public Meeting or Conference or Newsletter
Best Practices
New Buildings
Existing Buildings

Code Implementation - Compliance & Enforcement

Administrative/Enforcement Structures

Enforcement model: a mix of approaches. In the United States, administration and enforcement of energy codes is typically the responsibility of state or local governments. The most common structure is that the state adopts the code, but the local government enforces it. However, there are cases where local governments adopt their own codes and cases where the state enforces the code within the state. There is a role for private sector/third party enforcement in some jurisdictions. 

Compliance Checking on Design
Yes, compliance is checked on Design
Compliance Checking on Construction
Yes, compliance is checked on Construction
Compliance Checking on Pre-Occupancy
Air Tightness testingy
Yes, Air Tightness is tested
Commissioning before occupancy
Yes, commissioning is happening before occupancy
Commissioning after occupancy
Compliance Software Residential NA, Check Country Information Sheet for details
Compliance Software Non-Residential
Yes, Software exists
Penalties for non-compliance
Refusal Permission to construct
Refusal Permission to occupy
Other penalties
Some jurisdictions impose fines

Builders may have posted bond forfeited if the building does not achieve energy targets.

Incentives and Recognition program for compliance
Incentives and Recognition program for compliance
Awards/Grants/Tax Breaks

Utility programs offer money in exchange for particular improvements to buildings. The property assessed clean energy (PACE) program helps pay for renovations and other programs for offering lower interest rate loans for energy efficient construction. There are also a number of programs like Energy Star in commercial buildings that essentially offer recognition for improved building performance. 

Compliance Rate monitoringe
Yes, it exists

A recent study conducted by DOE is available at:

Compliance Rate Publicised
Yes, it exists

Studies available online for individual states. See for example, the results of 4 compliance studies conducted for the Northwest Energy Efficiency Alliance (NEEA) in Montana, Idaho, Washington, and Oregon at  

Compliance Lessons Learned
Yes, it exists

Results of compliance studies are used to provide directed training. DOE is conducting a project designed to figure out the cost-effectiveness of training, education and outreach.

Compliance Energy Use Statistics
Yes, it exists

Assessment methodology is available at: Statistics on residential permitting are available at: 

Compliance Rate in % NA, Check Country Information Sheet for details

Capacity Building and Education

Awareness Raising
Awareness raising
Resourse kits
Compliance Training
Online resources -
Professional Curriculum

DOE offers education and capacity building through its website. ICC and ASHRAE offer training through their websites. Many states and third-party organizations also offer training. (See for listing of individual states with links to individual state energy offices through which training is provided). There are also a number of organizations (at the federal, state, and local levels) that promote building better buildings.

Building materials

Building Materials Ratings
Building Materials Ratings
Tested by certified test labs
Random sampling

Building materials are rated in the United States. Random sampling of materials is used with testing conducted by certified laboratories. There are labels for windows, and labels are required on some types of insulation. 

Energy Performance Certificates

EPC Implementation
