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Code Development


Indonesia has four energy standards for buildings (Standar Nasional Indonesia/SNI), which cover the building envelope, air conditioning, lighting and building energy auditing. In 2005, Indonesia adopted laws that mandated for all buildings to consider energy conservation but has fallen short of enforcing compliance with the existing standards. Subsequent revisions of the laws mandated energy saving requirements for large commercial and certain other types of buildings. 

Start Year
Exact Start Year
2 005
Start Year Range
2000 - 2009
Revision Schedule
Revision Schedule Explanation

Until now, there are at least four SNI related to energy efficiency that have been issued, which are related to lighting systems, air conditioning system, building envelope and energy audit procedure. As the sustainability issues mainstreaming in national policy, the Ministry of Public Works (MoPW) is currently finalizing National Guidelines on Green Building, with energy efficiency as one of the important requirements. in 2012, DKI Jakarta has issued the first mandatory green building regulation.

Existing Code Coverage
Stakeholder Engagement
Stakeholder Engagement
Working group
Public Meeting or Conference or Newsletter
Best Practices NA, Check Country Information Sheet for details

Code Implementation - Compliance & Enforcement

Administrative/Enforcement Structures

The local government implements the code, sometimes with help of third-party assessors. 

Compliance Checking on Design
Yes, compliance is checked on Design
Compliance Checking on Construction
Yes, compliance is checked on Construction
Compliance Checking on Pre-Occupancy
Yes, compliance is checked on Pre-Occupancy
Air Tightness testingy
Commissioning before occupancy NA, Check Country Information Sheet for details
Commissioning after occupancy
Compliance Software Residential NA, Check Country Information Sheet for details
Compliance Software Non-Residential NA, Check Country Information Sheet for details
Penalties for non-compliance
Refusal Permission to occupy
Other penalties
Refusal of Functional Feasibility Certificate for existing building in Jakarta
Incentives and Recognition program for compliance
Incentives and Recognition program for compliance

Indonesia has a voluntary environmental rating tool that contains components on energy efficiency. The rating system was developed by the Indonesian Green Building Council but is recognised by the national government. The rating system is known as Greenship.

Compliance Rate monitoringe
Compliance Rate Publicised NA, Check Country Information Sheet for details
Compliance Lessons Learned NA, Check Country Information Sheet for details
Compliance Energy Use Statistics
Compliance Rate in % NA, Check Country Information Sheet for details

Capacity Building and Education

Awareness Raising
Awareness raising
Compliance Training
Professional Curriculum
Other awareness raising
ASHRAE run courses & provide resources; DANIDA providing an EE clearing house

Information is not available on capacity building to support code implementation. Indonesia does have other, less targeted training that relates to energy efficiency. Efforts are underway to train local professionals. ASHRAE administers educational seminars, training courses and exchange of best practices. International Development Agency of Denmark, is helping design the voluntary Jakarta municipal building standards and mandatory building codes and incentive programs for retrofitting.

Building materials

Building Materials Ratings

Energy Performance Certificates

EPC Implementation

Under Government Regulation No. 70 year 2009, energy users with energy consumption of 6000 tonnes of oil equivalent per year in buildings as well as industries are required to appoint an energy manager, preparing a energy conservation program, conducting an energy audit and implementing its recommendation, and reporting the result of the implementation energy measures to the government. 
