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Code Development


Spain issues its first energy code in 1979, but it only covered the building envelope. The most recent code, Código Técnico de la Edificación (CTE), was first approved in 2006 and was subsequently revised in 2008 and 2010. The latest revisions to the energy requirements took place in 2013, when a number of corrections and supporting documents were issued. The code is internationally known for mandating the use of solar panels.

Start Year
Exact Start Year
1 979
Start Year Range
< 1980
Revision Schedule NA, Check Country Information Sheet for details
Existing Code Coverage
Stakeholder Engagement
Stakeholder Engagement
Technical Committee
Best Practices
New Buildings

Code Implementation - Compliance & Enforcement

Administrative/Enforcement Structures

Local autonomous communities implement the code by checking construction plans and inspecting construction. In those jurisdictions that do not have enough resources, the Ministry of Public Works and Transport may step in. As in many countries, some jurisdictions may de facto have less review and inspection because of resource constraints.

Compliance Checking on Design
Yes, compliance is checked on Design
Compliance Checking on Construction
Yes, compliance is checked on Construction
Compliance Checking on Pre-Occupancy
Yes, compliance is checked on Pre-Occupancy
Air Tightness testingy
Commissioning before occupancy NA, Check Country Information Sheet for details
Commissioning after occupancy
Compliance Software Residential NA, Check Country Information Sheet for details
Compliance Software Non-Residential NA, Check Country Information Sheet for details
Penalties for non-compliance
Refusal Permission to construct
Refusal Permission to occupy
Other penalties
Fines for not having, displaying or presenting erroneous info for obtaining a certificate
Incentives and Recognition program for compliance
Incentives and Recognition program for compliance
Awards/Grants/Tax Breaks

Spain offers several types of incentives to promote energy efficiency in buildings, such as capital grants for energy efficiency in buildings and low interest-rate loans.

Compliance Rate monitoringe
Compliance Rate Publicised NA, Check Country Information Sheet for details
Compliance Lessons Learned NA, Check Country Information Sheet for details
Compliance Energy Use Statistics
Compliance Rate in % NA, Check Country Information Sheet for details

Capacity Building and Education

Awareness Raising
Compliance Training

When the new CTE was approved, the Ministry of Public Works and Transport and the Institute for Energy Diversification and Saving of Energy, representing the Ministry of Industry, organized training sessions in Spain’s 17 regions. The regions and engineer and architect associations provided CTE training courses, as well as a training course on the official software, LIDER (code compliance) and CALENER (energy rating software for new buildings).

Building materials

Building Materials Ratings
Building Materials Ratings
Reference standards included in codes
Tested by certified test labs

Spain follows European Union building material standards, CE marking. CE marking is mandatory for all building materials and covers aspects of energy performance. The EU’s Enterprise Directorate General launched a program to standardize evaluation of construction materials for their energy and environmental qualities. The Association for Standardization and Certification develops technical standards and certification. The association maintains a website with numerous resources on these standards.

Energy Performance Certificates

EPC Implementation
EPC Implementation
EPCs are referred to in codes -
Mandatory disclosure commercial -
Mandatory disclosure residential -

The energy performance certificate (called Certificado de Eficiencia Energética del Edificio) provides an estimate of annual primary energy consumption. The certificates also classify buildings based on CO2 emissions, where a new building meeting regulations is certified as C1, and existing building receive a C2 designation, which is further broken down into Classes A-G based on the modeled estimate of energy use. Certificado de Eficiencia Energética del Edificio, an annual primary energy consumption and a classification based on CO2 emissions, where C1 is relative to a modelled building meeting regulations, and C2 is relative to existing building stock averages, Classes A-G. The EPC is used to demonstrate compliance with the performance based building code. For new buildings they are enforced jointly. For existing buildings they can be enforced separately.
