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Synthesis report on the assessment of member states' building renovation strategies

  • Date:
  • Author(s)/Creator(s):
    Luca Castellazzi
    Paolo Zangheri
    Daniele Paci
  • Publisher(s)/Producter(s):
    European Commission

The aim of this report, prepared by the Joint Research Centre of the European Union (JRC) is to summarise the efforts undertaken by EU Member States in order to meet the requirements of Article 4 of the Energy Efficiency Directive (EED), to provide an overview of the policies and measures chosen and of the overall strengths and weakness, and to identify best practices.

The assessment of the national building renovation strategies has highlighted that, in total, twenty-three out of the thirty-one submitted strategies (74.2%) satisfactorily addressed the main elements of EED Article 4. Ten strategies are fully compliant, with exemplary coverage of regulation requirements. Only six strategies were found to be non-compliant. Nevertheless, the assessment shows that a number of MS have not followed strictly the guidelines and missed some important part/concepts which would require improvements.

In addition, it is worth mentioning that some of the non-compliant strategies were found for Member States traditionally strong in terms of energy efficiency measures and achievements, leading to considering the possibility that reporting failed to correctly depict the status of the building energy renovation in those countries (i.e. Austria, Germany and Sweden) and their future plans.

As a general concluding remark, MS seem to have developed each section of the long-term renovation strategy as a separate, stand-alone topic. A more correct view should have considered each section as related to the others in a conceptual flow.

European Commision
Policy Quality
Sustainable building design and construction
Energy conservation
Energy efficiency
Building energy codes
building performance
Cost effectiveness
