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APEC building codes, regulations, and standards: minimum, mandatory and green

  • Date:
  • Author(s)/Creator(s):
    Oswald Chong
  • Publisher(s)/Producter(s):
    Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation Secretariat

This study is organized with a chapter devoted to each APEC member economy, which seeks to detail:

  • The approach to developing, adopting, administering and enforcing building codes.This includes, for non-residential buildings, the existing minimum building codes, including the types of buildings covered, adoption and evolution, key actors and processes, points of accountability, enforcement mechanisms, and main expression of criteria.
  • How existing codes establish minimums for key elements. Such elements include electrical, energy, water, sanitation, structural, mechanical, indoor air quality, security, safety, siting, and others.
  • Any existing “green” building codes.  This includes elements of the minimum code that already are stringent and may be considered “green,” as well as any stand-alone green building code.
  • Protocols and mechanisms in place for monitoring, review, and assessment.
US aid
Policy Quality
Sustainable building design and construction
Construction industry
Green building
Building codes
Regulatory standards
Regulatory instruments
