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20 result(s) found

Energy Efficiency - Success Stories in Kazakhstan

Fact sheet
United Nations Development Programme,
Global Environment Facility,
Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan

The series of publications review the most successful sustainable practices, resulted in ecological, economic and social benefits from the implemented projects in energy efficiency in the residential buildings, municipal heating, construction and in general in housing and community utilities.

These projects are implemented jointly by UNDP, various donors and the Government of Kazakhstan on energy saving in housing and community utilities and construction.

Building a better future: Implementing the energy-saving building code in Hyderabad

Fact sheet
Natural Resources Defense Council

With skyrocketing energy demand, limited energy supply, rapid urbanization and increasing pollution levels, India critically needs energy solutions. Energy efficiency is an immediate solution, locking in energy savings in India’s growing cities. To reap energy savings, Hyderabad and Telangana State are moving forward with India’s first online system to ensure energy savings in buildings.

Three strategies for code implementation are proposed:

Promoting sustainable skylines

International Finance Corporation (IFC)

In summary: 

1. As a result of Colombia’s new green codes, buildings are expected to consume 10 to 45 percent less energy and water. These reductions will avoid nearly 190,000 metric tons of greenhouse-gas emissions by 2021, helping big cities like Bogota achieve a goal to reduce 2019’s greenhouse-gas emissions by 16 percent compared to 2007.2,3

Building Information Modelling – draft policy and principles for Queensland

Department of Infrastructure, Local Government and Planning (Qld)

To maximise the benefits from its application of BIM to infrastructure projects within its annual capital program, this framework will support the effective use of BIM across Queensland Government infrastructure delivery agencies. A focus of the framework includes BIM capability development across government and industry.

Benchmarking in cities

Beth Murray

USGBC local communities around the country are helping cities jumpstart their building performance benchmarking efforts. And the results are pretty exciting. After four years of benchmarking in New York City, buildings there are using almost 15 percent less energy according to MIT professor David Hsu, one of the most widely recognized experts in energy benchmarking analysis. Learn more in this Benchmarking in Cities brief.

Interview - Energy efficiency benefits us all

Timothy Farrell

Potential gains from improving energy efficiency are substantial — not only in terms of saving energy and combating climate change, but also in terms of contributing to an array of other co-benefits, including improving human health and creating jobs. We asked Tim Farrell, Senior Advisor at the Copenhagen Centre on Energy Efficiency, what works best when it comes to boosting energy efficiency. He stressed that targeted policy measures and sufficient resources to support implementation and compliance are among a number of critical ingredients for success.

Green buildings could save our cities

Kelsey Nowakowski

This article is part of our Urban Expeditions series, an initiative made possible by a grant from United Technologies to the National Geographic Society. As the world’s urban population expands, architects and planners are mapping out ways to make cities more sustainable. Cities produce a vast amount of emissions and waste, putting a strain on both human and ecological health. But our buildings themselves may hold a solution.

Level(s) – A common EU framework of core sustainability indicators for office and residential buildings (Part 3)

Technical report
Nicholas Dodd,
Mauro Cordella,
Marzia Traverso,
Shane Donatello

This document is the companion to parts 1 and 2 of the guidance on how to use Level(s). In part 1 a general introduction to Level(s) is provided, together with in Part 2 an overview of the macro-objectives, performance indicators and the three Levels of performance assessment (Level(s) - Part 1 and 2). The three Levels are:

Estimating the national carbon abatement potential of city policies: A data-driven approach

Technical report
Eric O’Shaughnessy,
Jenny Heeter,
David Keyser,
Pieter Gagnon,
Alexandra Aznar

Cities are increasingly taking actions such as building code enforcement, urban planning, and public transit expansion to reduce emissions of carbon dioxide in their communities and municipal operations. However, many cities lack the quantitative information needed to estimate policy impacts and prioritize city actions in terms of carbon abatement potential and cost effectiveness. This report fills this research gap by providing methodologies to assess the carbon abatement potential of a variety of city actions.

Energy transition of Europe’s building stock: Implications for EU 2030 Sustainable Development Goals

Yamina Saheb,
Heinz Ossenbrink,
Sandor Szabo,
Katalin Bodis,
Strahil Panev

Energy transition of the EU building stock, from being an energy waster to being highly energy efficient and an energy producer, is a prerequisite for Europe’s carbon neutrality, as well as for meeting Europe’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Achieving these targets requires shifting the emerging energy renovation market from a market of step-by-step and shallow energy renovation financed by grants to a market of industrialized and holistic energy renovation leading to zero energy buildings financed by long-term loans.

Top ten 2018: Energy efficiency practices for the China buildings sector

Fact sheet
The Top Ten Energy Efficiency Best Practices and Best Available Technologies Task Group (TOP TENs)

The National Development and Reform Commission of China (NDRC) guided the China Quality Certification Center (CQC) to develop a China TOP TENs Best Energy Efficient Practices list to highlight energy savings practices for the China’s buildings sector. The list covers a broad range of building practices including commercial and residential. Each practices have been weighted using a structured methodology to determine its energy saving and cost achievement, sustainability, originality and innovation, replicability, as well as co-benefits.

How rising global temperatures will affect 6 major cities

Kristin Musulin

The earth is on a trajectory to warm 3-4°C by 2100. This heat map details how that rise in temperatures will affect major metropolitan hubs.

Smart Cities Dive took a closer look at how this would affect six major metropolitan hubs, and what the respective mayors and city leaders are doing to curb climate impacts as the clock ticks.

Building code energy performance trajectory: Interim technical report

Technical report
Paul Bannister,
Duane Robinson,
Luke Reedman,
Philip Harrington,
Sam Moffitt,
Hongsen Zhang,
Paul Cooper,
Zhenjun Ma,
Laia Ledo Gomis,
Lewis Green

This report is the Interim Technical Report for the Building Code Energy Performance Trajectory Project. It accompanies the Interim Synthesis Report for the Building Code Energy Performance Trajectory Project, entitled The Bottom Line – the household impacts of delaying improved energy requirements in the Building Code and which was published on the 8th of February 2018, providing more detail on the assumptions behind and the preliminary results from the underlying modelling work.

The report provides the following key items:

Paying the right price for energy efficient homes

Nicole Engwirda

New research finds that people are willing to pay more for energy efficient housing, making the case for a mandatory national rating system for existing homes. 

“Location, location, location” is a time-honoured mantra for pricing property, but research shows buyers and renters are also prepared to pay a premium for energy efficiency.

Urban heat: can white roofs help cool world’s warming cities?

Fred Pearce

Light, reflective surfaces can have a dramatic impact in cooling the surrounding air – in cities, but in the countryside too. Whitewashed walls, arrays of photovoltaic cells, and stubble-filled fields can all provide local relief during the sweltering decades ahead. But policymakers beware. It doesn’t always work like that. There can be unintended consequences, both on temperature and other aspects of climate, like rainfall. Even local geoengineering needs to be handled with care.

Final energy savings analysis of the proposed NYStretch-Energy Code 2018

Technical report
Yan Chen,
Bing Liu,
Jian Zhang,
Michael Rosenberg,
Jim Edelson,
Mark Lyles

In 2017, New York State Energy Research and Development Authority (NYSERDA) developed its 2016 Stretch Code Supplement to the 2016 New York State Energy Conservation Construction Code. Since 2017, NYSERDA has continued to develop the 2018 edition, as part of the efforts to achieve a statewide Net Zero Energy Code by 2028.

Validating and improving the BASIX energy assessment tool for low-carbon dwellings: final report

Technical report
Lan Ding,
Anir Kumar Upadhyay,
William Craft,
Komali Yenneti,
Marini Samaratunga,
Krishna Munsami,
Deo Prasad

This report is a product of the collaborative research project ‘Validating and Improving the BASIX Assessment Tool for Low-Carbon Dwellings’. Initiated by the Cooperative Research Centre for Low Carbon Living, the University of New South Wales (UNSW) and the New South Wales Government, this project addresses the policy need for post-occupancy evaluation of the BASIX tool by measuring the actual energy consumption of BASIX-compliant dwellings.

Pedoman Teknis Penyelenggaraan Bangunan Gedung Hijau Dalam Rangka Implementasi Bali Energi Bersih Di Provinsi Bali

Technical report
Malay (inc. Indonesian and Malaysian)
Ida Bagus Setiawan, Provinsi Bali,
Nusakti Yasa Wedha, Provinsi Bali,
Ida Bagus Gede Sudarsana, Provinsi Bali,
Ida Ayu Dwi Giriantari, CORE,
I Nyoman Satya Kumara, CORE,
Wayan Gede Ariastina, CORE,
I Nyoman Setiawan, CORE,
I Wayan Sukerayasa, CORE,
Matthieu Caille, GBPN,
Jatmika Suryabrata, GBPN,
Yeni Indra, GBPN,
Sandra Pranoto, GBPN,
Craig Burton, GBPN,
Peter Graham, GBPN

The Bali Province Technical Guidelines (written in Indonesian) for Implementing Green Buildings in the Context of Clean Energy represent a collaborative effort between the Bali Provincial Government, Global Building Performance Network (GBPN), and support from CORE Udayana. Developed through extensive studies and analysis from November 2021 to June 2022, the guidelines engage stakeholders from the Provincial Government Bali, Professional Expert Team, universities, associations, private sectors, and professionals in building and clean energy.

PEDOMAN TEKNIS Implementasi Peraturan Wali Kota Nomor 55 Tahun 2021 Tentang Efisiensi Penggunaan Energi Listrik dan Efisiensi Penggunaan Air pada Bangunan Gedung

Technical report
Malay (inc. Indonesian and Malaysian)
Ir. H. Hero Mardanus Satyawan, MT,
Desy Damayanti, ST, MT,
Hj. Nurrahmani, S.IP, MM,
H. Eko Suprayetno, S.Sos,
Muhammad Cecep Herly, ST, MT,
Idfi Septiani, S.STP, M.Si,
Matthieu Caille, GBPN,
Jatmika Suryabrata, GBPN,
Yeni Indra, GBPN,
Sandra Pranoto, GBPN,
Craig Burton, GBPN,
Peter Graham, GBPN

The Samarinda City Technical Guidelines represent a strategic initiative aligned with the city's development goals, as outlined in Mayor Regulation No. 55 of 2021. These guidelines meticulously consider the potential savings and additional benefits achievable through the implementation of energy and water-efficient measures, aiming to significantly reduce carbon emissions in buildings. Spearheaded by the Samarinda City Government, this effort reflects a commitment to fostering an environmentally friendly and sustainable urban landscape.
