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2 result(s) found

Visualized analysis of global green buildings: Development, barriers and future directions

Qianwen Li, Ruyin Long, Hong Chen, Feiyu Chen, Jiaqi Wang

Green building is an important measure to deal with energy and environment problems in the construction sector of the world. In this study, knowledge mapping analysis is used, and 3,060 articles are selected for further study (1900–2019). Based on CiteSpace (5.3.R4 SE 64-bit), the knowledge base, hot topics and research trends of green-building-related research are presented. The key highlights of the overall analysis results are: (1) Research on green buildings has received more extensive attention in the 21st century.

Understanding the contextual influences of the health outcomes of residential energy efficiency interventions: realist review

Nicola Willand, Cecily Maller, Ian Ridley

Residential energy efficiency interventions are complex social and construction programmes that may benefit health, yet the interactions between the material improvements, health and health-related outcomes, and householder responses are not well understood. While indoor winter warmth and householder satisfaction have been identified as the key mediators for physiological, mental and social health outcomes, this paper explores how programme contexts may have influenced the outcomes. This review revealed that common target populations were low income households, children and the elderly.
