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2 result(s) found

Beyond Technology: Demand-Side Solutions for Climate Change Mitigation

Felix Creutzig, Blanca Fernandez, Helmut Haberl,
Radhika Khosla, Yacob Mulugetta, Karen C. Seto

The assessment literature on climate change solutions to date has emphasized technologies and options based on cost-effectiveness analysis. However, many solutions to climate change mitigation misalign with such analytical frameworks. Here, we examine demand-side solutions, a crucial class of mitigation options that go beyond technological specification and cost-benefit analysis. To do so, we synthesize demand-side mitigation options in the urban, building, transport, and agricultural sectors. We also highlight the specific nature of demand-side solutions in the context of development.

The Operating Expense Puzzle of U.S. Green Office Buildings

Nikodem Szumil,
Franz Fuerst

Cost savings from efficiency gains are at the core of the green building business case. Significantly lower energy bills are said to be a major factor in the green rent premium observed in earlier studies. Our study tests this relationship by inferring energy costs from operating expenses for a large dataset of U.S. office buildings and relating them to rental rates. We find that eco-certification is associated with a higher than anticipated total energy expenditure, which is the opposite of its expected effect.
