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2 result(s) found

Visualized analysis of global green buildings: Development, barriers and future directions

Qianwen Li, Ruyin Long, Hong Chen, Feiyu Chen, Jiaqi Wang

Green building is an important measure to deal with energy and environment problems in the construction sector of the world. In this study, knowledge mapping analysis is used, and 3,060 articles are selected for further study (1900–2019). Based on CiteSpace (5.3.R4 SE 64-bit), the knowledge base, hot topics and research trends of green-building-related research are presented. The key highlights of the overall analysis results are: (1) Research on green buildings has received more extensive attention in the 21st century.

Is atrium an ideal form for daylight in buildings?

Hossein Omrany, Amirhosein Ghaffarianhoseini, Umberto Berardi, Ali Ghaffarianhoseini, Danny H. W. Li

This paper aims to review the achievements of previous studies addressing the capability of atriums for providing adequate levels of daylight and visual comfort. This study also performs several simulations using Radiance IES-VE software predominantly with the target to support the literature review results. The analysis discusses ways of daylight transmission through different atrium structures.
