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2 result(s) found

Exploring environmental and economic costs and benefits of a circular economy approach to the construction and demolition sector. A literature review

Patrizia Ghisellini, Maddalena Ripa, Sergio Ulgiati

Circular economy (CE) as a new model of economic development promotes the maximum reuse/recycling of materials, goods and components in order to decrease waste generation to the largest possible extent. It aims to innovate the entire chain of production, consumption, distribution and recovery of materials and energy according to a cradle to cradle vision.

Untapping multiple benefits: hidden values in environmental and building policies

Shnapp Sophie, Paci Daniele, Bertoldi Paolo

The untapped / hidden benefits of environmental policies are huge, this piece of research showcases and places a monetary value on the added benefits to our health, society and the economy that environmental investments and policy linked to energy efficiency can bring. Findings show that green policies can improve both our health and the economy and can go hand-in-hand. This study provides guidance to policy and decision-makers in developing a methodology for the inclusion of multiple benefits in a cost/benefit assessment of energy efficiency policy.
