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11 result(s) found

The international implications of national and local coordination on building energy codes: Case studies in six cities

Meredydd Evans,
Sha Yu,
Aaron Staniszewski,
Luting Jin,
Artur Denysenko

Building energy efficiency is an important strategy for reducing greenhouse gas emissions globally. In fact, 55 countries have included building energy efficiency in their Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) under the Paris Agreement. This research uses building energy code implementation in six cities across different continents as case studies to assess what it may take for countries to implement the ambitions of their energy efficiency goals.

Overview of State Policies for Energy Efficiency in Buildings

Yu Wang

This paper introduces the major state-level regulations and policies for improving energy efficiency in buildings. The purpose of the review is to discuss the challenges and issues in policy implementation and the latest trend in adopting innovative instruments. The implementation of customer efficiency programs increasingly incorporates non-price instruments to encourage participation and deep savings. States pay attention to not only code adoption and update but also compliance and evaluation.

Focused acceleration: A strategic approach to climate action in cities to 2030

Desiree Bernhard,
Michele Bertoncello,
Alex Brotschi,
Lia Cairone,
Ricardo Cepeda-Márquez,
Robert Cervero,
Flavio Coppola,
David Craven,
Andrea Fernandez,
David Frankel,
Bhavin Gandhi,
Anna Gressel-Bacharan,
Clare Healy,
Max Jamieson,
Laura Jay,
Sean Kane,
Kate Laing,
Nicholas Laverty,
Julia Lipton,
Timo Möller,
Eric Morden,
Jesse Noffsinger,
Dickon Pinner,
Angelos Platanias,
Matt Rogers,
Josh Rosenfield,
Caterina Sarfatti,
Lucila Spotorno,
Zachary Tofias,
Andreas Tschiesner,
Helga Vanthournout,
Amy Wagner,
Caroline Watson,
Jonathan Woetzel,
Katherine Wolosz,
and Hong Xia

There is now widespread recognition in the international community that the commitments made by national governments under the Paris Climate Agreement in 2015 cannot be achieved without concerted action by cities. Fortunately, many mayors have shown strong commitment to tackling climate change and a willingness to collaborate to achieve this goal.

Boosting building renovation: An overview of good practices

Bogdan Atanasiu,
Ilektra Kouloumpi,
Marine Faber,
Cosmina Marian,
Ingeborg Nolte,
Oliver Rapf,
Dan Staniaszek

The main aim of this report is to contribute to the exchange of good practices and to support EU MS by providing potential ideas for the elaboration of long-term renovation plans. The report compiles renovation requirements as well as financial instruments, support programmes and market mechanisms for building renovation in a number of countries and regions. While the main focus of the report is on selected EU MS, a few global examples are also presented.

Evaluating policy instruments to foster energy efficiency for the sustainable transformation of buildings

Benigna Boza-Kiss,
Sergi Moles-Grueso,
Diana Urge-Vorsatz

Energy efficiency policies have the unique capacity to contribute to a more sustainable energy future at an economic net benefit even when co-benefits are not included in the evaluations. The purpose of this paper is to present quantitative and comparative information on the societal cost-effectiveness and the lifetime energy savings of all light eight building energy efficiency policy instruments.

The path towards buildings energy efficiency in South American countries

Fabiana Silvero,
Fernanda Rodrigues,
Sergio Montelpare,
Enrico Spacone,
Humberto Varum

Nowadays, energy efficiency (EE) is presented as a reliable strategy towards sustainable development, but its application has not been developed equitably worldwide, since most EE policies have been implemented in industrialised nations, and developing countries are still in the process of improving their EE levels.


Australian Government

This Annual Report covers the second in a 15-year plan and shows that the NEPP has continued to progress well. Throughout 2017, measures across the work plan have advanced and many have achieved significant outcomes. There has also been wider progress in energy policy and jurisdictional measures which will contribute strongly to energy productivity and NEPP objectives. This document highlights key outcomes, their expected impacts and links to broader reforms.

Mind the gap: A social sciences review of energy efficiency

Tessa Dunlop

Energy efficiency is a complex concept which is represented in diverse fields including engineering, economics, energy, computer sciences, environmental sciences, mathematics and physics. The social sciences literature on energy efficiency, however, remains significantly underrepresented, comprising just 2.6% of the total energy efficiency literature found in this study. Energy efficiency is an important energy policy strategy globally to reduce energy consumption, secure energy supply, and reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

Pedoman Teknis Penyelenggaraan Bangunan Gedung Hijau Dalam Rangka Implementasi Bali Energi Bersih Di Provinsi Bali

Technical report
Malay (inc. Indonesian and Malaysian)
Ida Bagus Setiawan, Provinsi Bali,
Nusakti Yasa Wedha, Provinsi Bali,
Ida Bagus Gede Sudarsana, Provinsi Bali,
Ida Ayu Dwi Giriantari, CORE,
I Nyoman Satya Kumara, CORE,
Wayan Gede Ariastina, CORE,
I Nyoman Setiawan, CORE,
I Wayan Sukerayasa, CORE,
Matthieu Caille, GBPN,
Jatmika Suryabrata, GBPN,
Yeni Indra, GBPN,
Sandra Pranoto, GBPN,
Craig Burton, GBPN,
Peter Graham, GBPN

The Bali Province Technical Guidelines (written in Indonesian) for Implementing Green Buildings in the Context of Clean Energy represent a collaborative effort between the Bali Provincial Government, Global Building Performance Network (GBPN), and support from CORE Udayana. Developed through extensive studies and analysis from November 2021 to June 2022, the guidelines engage stakeholders from the Provincial Government Bali, Professional Expert Team, universities, associations, private sectors, and professionals in building and clean energy.

PEDOMAN TEKNIS Implementasi Peraturan Wali Kota Nomor 55 Tahun 2021 Tentang Efisiensi Penggunaan Energi Listrik dan Efisiensi Penggunaan Air pada Bangunan Gedung

Technical report
Malay (inc. Indonesian and Malaysian)
Ir. H. Hero Mardanus Satyawan, MT,
Desy Damayanti, ST, MT,
Hj. Nurrahmani, S.IP, MM,
H. Eko Suprayetno, S.Sos,
Muhammad Cecep Herly, ST, MT,
Idfi Septiani, S.STP, M.Si,
Matthieu Caille, GBPN,
Jatmika Suryabrata, GBPN,
Yeni Indra, GBPN,
Sandra Pranoto, GBPN,
Craig Burton, GBPN,
Peter Graham, GBPN

The Samarinda City Technical Guidelines represent a strategic initiative aligned with the city's development goals, as outlined in Mayor Regulation No. 55 of 2021. These guidelines meticulously consider the potential savings and additional benefits achievable through the implementation of energy and water-efficient measures, aiming to significantly reduce carbon emissions in buildings. Spearheaded by the Samarinda City Government, this effort reflects a commitment to fostering an environmentally friendly and sustainable urban landscape.

“Fan-First” Cooling – a low-carbon way to improve heat resilience in a changing climate

University of Sydney, Monash University

A guide with these contents

  • Sustainable and accessible ways to keep cool
  • Key messages
  • How does heat affect the body?
  • Doesn’t air conditioning solve the problem?
  • How can electric fans help?
  • When shouldn’t electric fans be used?
  • What if it’s too hot to use a fan or there is no power?
  • How can buildings help keep people cool without the need for air conditioning?
  • What should governments, employers, services and communities do to promote
  • ‘fan-first’ cooling?
  • Sources
