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4 result(s) found

Mould growth in energy efficient buildings: Causes, health implications and strategies to mitigate the risk

Arianna Brambilla, Alberto Sangiorgio

Today, buildings still account for almost half of the global energy consumption and carbon emission. This highlights the necessity to increase energy efficiency requirements worldwide in a common effort to reduce the construction sector's impacts on the environment. The current energy policies are driving toward a design that relies on airtight and highly insulated envelopes. As a consequence, energy efficient houses are found to have insufficient indoor air change rates, impacting on the indoor air quality and resulting in higher latent loads.

Association of residential energy efficiency retrofits with indoor environmental quality, comfort, and health: A review of empirical data

William J. Fisk, Brett C. Singer, Wanyu R. Chan

This paper reviews empirical data from evaluations of the influence of residential energy efficiency retrofits on indoor environmental quality conditions and self-reported thermal comfort and health. Data were extracted from 36 studies described in 44 papers plus two reports. Nearly all reviewed studies were performed in Europe or United States. Most studies evaluated retrofits of homes with low-income occupants. Indoor radon and formaldehyde concentrations tended to increase after retrofits that did not add whole-house mechanical ventilation.

Exploring environmental and economic costs and benefits of a circular economy approach to the construction and demolition sector. A literature review

Patrizia Ghisellini, Maddalena Ripa, Sergio Ulgiati

Circular economy (CE) as a new model of economic development promotes the maximum reuse/recycling of materials, goods and components in order to decrease waste generation to the largest possible extent. It aims to innovate the entire chain of production, consumption, distribution and recovery of materials and energy according to a cradle to cradle vision.

A policy toolkit for global mass heat pump deployment

Dr Richard Lowes,
Duncan Gibb,
Dr Jan Rosenow,
Samuel Thomas,
Matt Malinowski,
Alexia Ross,
Peter Graham

Heat pumps are relatively simple appliances. They share similar components to refrigerators and air conditioners and effectively move an external source of heat to where it is needed, such as in buildings for heating or the production of hot water. Their key value is efficiency; for each unit of electricity consumed to operate them, they produce multiple units of usable heat. Because of this, they require much less energy input for a similar heating outcome compared to combustion technologies, making them naturally cleaner and generally cost effective to run.
