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2 result(s) found

Mould growth in energy efficient buildings: Causes, health implications and strategies to mitigate the risk

Arianna Brambilla, Alberto Sangiorgio

Today, buildings still account for almost half of the global energy consumption and carbon emission. This highlights the necessity to increase energy efficiency requirements worldwide in a common effort to reduce the construction sector's impacts on the environment. The current energy policies are driving toward a design that relies on airtight and highly insulated envelopes. As a consequence, energy efficient houses are found to have insufficient indoor air change rates, impacting on the indoor air quality and resulting in higher latent loads.

Indoor mould exposure: Characteristics, influences and corresponding associations with built environment—A review

Chenqiu Du, Baizhan Li, Wei Yu

While household mould growth has been increasingly highlighted in response to its adverse health outcomes and building management burden, studies are reviewed respectively from perspective of epidemiological survey, or building technology. This paper thus presents a literature review to address the building environment and mould exposure in homes, including the mould growth and exposure characteristics, interaction with building features, design requirements from current standards.
