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Webinar "Transforming the buildings sector through ambitious NDCs: Asia-Pacific, with a focus on India and China"

Join the our third GlobalABC NDC webinar series edition: Transforming the buildings sector through ambitious NDCs: Asia-Pacific, with a focus on India and China, taking place on Thursday, 14 November 2019, at 10:00 AM(CEST).

The current scope and ambition of buildings sector commitments are insufficient to meet the Paris Agreement goals. Despite 136 countries having acknowledged the need for building sector actions in their NDCs, more work is needed to increase the coverage and ambition of these actions. 

Based on GlobalABC’s NDC Guide, this webinar looks at NDCs status in Asia-Pacific. It focuses on India and China, two countries with rapid floor area increase and energy demand growth. India and China have both taken steps to raise ambition levels in their NDCs, addressing energy efficiency in their rapidly growing building stock. India for instance with their Energy Conservation Building Code for Residential Buildings (ECBC-R), China with its policy initiatives for increasing the coverage of green buildings and large scale energy efficiency retrofitting.

We are delighted to welcome representatives from the India Bureau of Energy Efficiency (BEE) and the China Academy of Building Research (CARB), as well as UNFCCC, the NDC Partnership (TBC), and the Global Buildings Performance Network (GBPN)/Pansolutions.


  • Introduction and welcome: Nora Steurer, Programme Management Officer, UNEP/GlobalABC Secretariat

  • Buildings and construction in NDCs in Asia-Pacific: Status, gaps, potential: Peter Graham, Executive Director, Global Buildings Performance Institute (GBPN)

  • NDCs as vehicle for raising ambition for the buildings sector: Bernd Hackmann, Programme Officer, Mitigation, Data and Analysis Programme, UNFCCC Secretariat

  • India: Increasing ambition for residential buildings: Saurabh Diddi, Director, India Bureau of Energy Efficiency (BEE)

  • China: Taking energy efficiency in buildings to scale: Quinqin Wang, Vice President, China Academy for Buildings Research (CABR)

  • Where to go for assistance: NDC Partnership (TBC)

  • Q&A from the audience

  • Summary and close: Nora Steurer, Programme Management Officer, UNEP/GlobalABC Secretariat

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